Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

We started 4th of July festivites with Deb and Christopher with some fireworks on Thursday on her side of town...

It was too much walking for Patrick and the "crotches" (as Zach says) so we rolled him around...up and over some ramps...

Auntie and Patrick

me 'n the boys...

My boys and I went to the Richmond Braves game on the 4th...had a little rain delay...

Then Batman flew in...

and passed out flags!

Happy 4th of July!!


Deb said...

Dern if that picture of Patrick at the game don't look like Raymond Shrader.......

Eileen said...

Looks like you and your boys had an awesome holiday! hey where'd you get the cool red wheel chair for Patrick!? fun fun fun... Baseball AND Flags! Batman parachuting in with the flag sure must'be been a thrill for Zach to see! I love the picture of him, it says it all!

Grama Bonnie said...

LOVE the wheelchair!! And Zach is so excited (about the flags or Batman?? Both??) Patrick, quit doing your eyes like that. Your eye muscle will pop and they will stay like that! (will that work??)