Tuesday, July 01, 2008

THE cast!!

Patrick and Zach ended up staying with Big Daddy yesterday instead of going to camp...Then I met them at the Orthopedic Dr after work...

It appears to be just a fracture and Doc says Patrick will be back to "running like the wind" in 3 weeks!

We chose to get a waterproof cast, so it wouldn't slow us down AS much as a regular one...

The nurse was GREAT. There were 2/3 other screamin' little kids in the same room...

Have you ever seen someone so happy to get a cast before?? (he had to keep his hands like this on his knees to keep it still...)

Had to go with the CAMO color...matches his shorts!

...and the boot...


Patrick really doesn't have that many pics with his dad (at our house that I know about...) so I told him to "stand next to daddy." (Zach was included but was getting tired and not in the mood...) Apparently, from the expression on his face, Daddy was looking at me...so I told him not to...and smile, damnit! haha

This is what I got next...Deb, don't you remember this look??? hahaha Too bad he's such a #@!*&^!

Then they both ended up cheesing it nicely...

Patrick was waiting on a ride home to go see the new wheelchair I got him! ...stay tuned!...


Eileen said...

Very cool! Thanks for letting us come along and watch Patrick get his cast! That's great that it will only be three weeks...by then I imagine the novelty will have worn off and he will be ready to get back to normal. waterproof? so he can take a shower etc...? gosh he sure is a miniature of his dad, isn't he!?

Deb said...

Cool cast.....
I'm glad it's water proof so we can still go swimming!! :) Can I sign it?

Grama Bonnie said...

What? You can SWIM in a waterproof cast?? I don't like the idea of getting water down into it, esp. around the stinky foot area..... phew!! and what about the whole idea of the cast: immobility.....how can the leg be immobile if it's swimming?? Clarification??