This ginormous flag was on a crane in the parking lot. I hope it doesnt give Zach any ideas about what we may have at our NEXT house! ha!

They had a small car show too...This beetle was a favorite with all 3 of us! The seats were made to look like gloves!

of course we HAD to do the inflatable slide!!!

I think Patrick looks like he's skateboarding...I got him in midair! ha!

My baseball player got the guy in on his first try...of course! haha

Zach had a close one!!

We went on a little "train ride" thru the trees...

some of us liked it more than others...

Then we ended a beautiful day with a beautiful picnic!! Again, some of us enjoyed it more than others...hahahahaha Can you tell these are my kids or WHAT?! Did I only pass on my "expressions" to them??? GEESH! hahahaha

This is my most favorite pic of Patrick. It's moments like this that make me truly happy and so thankful. This is a for real smile...he really did have a good time. :)
Oh, NOW I see how to leave a comment......vs emailing. Great blog, love to see how big they are and what they're doing w/you!! They've sure grown in the last 6 mos! xoxo
Sure wish we could have been there too. Good thing you have such a wonderful sister to tell you about such things that go on in the West End!! :) FU BHB
well I DO read the paper sometimes too ya know...haha but yeah, it's nice she knows stuff too...
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