This is the scene looking in from the kitchen into the dining room. My computer is to the left with a window that looks out to the school and the back door is to the right.

This is the cabinet...microwave and small pantry to the right...

...the other cabinet...hahahahaha

...looking in the dining room from the living room. Gourmet kitchen is to the left of the fridge...

...livingroom and "central a/c" in window...haha...

...standing in the doorway to the closet and bathroom, looking into the livingroom. Doorway to the dining room...

...looking from the doorway I was just in at the living room. Doorway to the closet, bathroom and my shop...

...The boys room...

...bathroom to the left...looking into the living room...

...from the living room, looking into my to the left of the doors, stereo to the right...door to bathroom to the right...

...from my room to the clothes closet we share...

...the boys side of the side fell down. Apparently I have a few of G'mas coats that need to be hung else where...haha

...front door in closet. We won't ever use it tho...

...boys room, looking from the closet...the closet is about 6 inches deep, so we won't be using that either...haha Doorway to my shop to the right...

...standing in the boys room looking into my shop...

...looking FROM my shop end into the boys room. Closet/front door to the left...

...Can you tell who I'm related to? This is my PINK shop...seems to be the "catch all" room for now...back door to the right...(don't worry, I have a nice pull down attic in this room!!) back door to the left, washer/dryer, door to bathroom and closet to the right...

...the bathroom, looking in from the living room door...

...the bathroom, looking in from the shop side...

wow you've been a very busy girl! It's lookin' good! keep the pictures coming, I love having these tours! I hopeyou and your boys are very happy there! xxoo eileen
Hey Chris! How's the house progressing? Is the boys' room all ready for them when they get home tomorrow? Looks like you have your work cut out for you, but knowing you, it will turn out just fabulous. :)
She does have her work cut out, for sure! She's gotten quite a bit done tho. Just now, we need your prayers to find Laverne. She got out yesterday and hasn't come home. Keep her in your prayers.....
Oh no!!! :( Hopefully she's just out having a good time and will be back real soon.
Isnt it St Francis who is supposed to take care of things like this?? I've been praying to him and Gma since I discovered her missing. I'll keep ya posted...
YEAH ~ I am so thankful that Laverne is HOME HOME HOME!! :)
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