We had a great Halloween! As you can see, Patrick was Darth Vader, Zach a clown (which fits him perfectly!) and I was an "old teenager" according to Patrick. ;) The boys could have trick or treated ALL night! This was one of the best years so far...it was fun to watch them run up to the doors together and ring the bell...Patrick was really good about watching after his little brother and I was SO proud they used manners to actually say "trick or treat" and "thank you!" That drives me CRAZY when you get kids who just hold their bags open! ...That deserves a TRICK in my book, if I wasnt afraid to get egged or have my punkin smashed! haha ;)
you 3 look GREAT! Halloween can sure be a lot of fun with little ones! I love your blog and all your recent postings...great job, keep 'em coming! I love you 3! eileen
Wow! You guys look so awesome! :)
You forgot to mention he thought your letter jacket from highschool was cool!
no, I'm not sure if Patrick thought ANYTHING about my costume was cool...haha
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