Thursday, November 09, 2006

Apple pickin' and Date Shakes

We were a DAY LATE for apple pickin' Auntie Donna quietly took the boys across the parking lot to pick a couple since they had been looking forward to it for so long and heartbroken when they thought they missed out. ;) We called it "preserving the apples" because if WE didnt pick THOSE apples, they would have just rotted and fell off the tree! So wouldnt that be considered teaching a GOOD thing?? haha We ate apples all the way home...they must taste better when you pick them right off the tree yourself!
And as you can see, we crammed so much into just a few days, the boys took advantage of riding in the car anytime they could! They really did well being so off track with the time change tho.
Dates grow on the palm trees in California so "date shakes" were the most popular snack for us! ...I think I had 3!! YUM!!! You could see ladders and bags at the tops of the trees from where the pickers would collect the dates!!

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