aint THEY sweet! Just cute as buttons! :)

This was worth the 12 hours drive~but should be repeated more than every 17 years!

Looking at NY on the ferry ride to Kims!

awww...meeting Miss Ivy! She's just a tiny little princess!


See Deb, you were here in spirit! (heehee)

how fun!

not too sure about the cold stuff!

...but sure did love the movie!

Wine tasting with Unka Bud...Cheers!

I don't know what you mean, I look pissed off when I work! :)

Isn't it long and luxurious now!



AMAZING sunset...

What kind of influence is this my Royal-Pea-in-the-pod Godmommy has on me?!?!

too late to turn back now!

At least she didn't sit around doing nothing...Mad Pup put her to work catching flies!

um...I'm not sure what's going on here...but Deb wondered if that was Champy in the background! haha

Ahoy Mate!

Back down the hatch I go!

Do you see what I see in this picture...(no, not champy)...

And so what if my backseat is FULL of shopping bags! I was on vacation! And it wasn't MY fault my Royal Godmommy MADE me go to the Christmas Tree Shop TWO times ... in ONE night! :)

oops...this is AFTER my bumper was 'fixed' and reattached ! ...coulda been worse and no on got hurt. And most important, I didn't have to unload all those damn bags into another car! haha

Perfect way to 'end' a perfect vacation...a glass of Vermont wine! :)
ahhhhh, wonderful travelog of a wonderful visit!!! We loved spending time with you and are so glad that you made the trip! (gosh,Deb, it sure DOES look like Champy in that boat picture! ;)
hey, I am ROYALTY now, cool! :) btw...that picture of me and you and Kim and Ivy is me with my DAUGHTER, GODDAUGHTER, and GRANDDAUGHTER. love it!
Great pictures, Chris. :)
What do you see in the sunset picture???
It sure was nice to have you up for a visit!
glad ya'll like the pics! :) Cant say just yet what I see in the sunrise...I wanna see if anyone else can see it... :) it that the sunlight seems to be forming a cross on the lake?
Mad Pup.....really, was that his name? Mad Pup.......
yup...his name was pup! MAD pup! HA! speakin of poems...hows the one for our little festivies coming along!??! heehee ycwg....s gnabb!
all very interesting......looks like a great trip except for your license plate. I think it's an angel on the cloud over the lake.....
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