Saturday, June 14, 2008

Zach's art show!

Zach's art teacher chose this piece to be in a county wide art show at one of the local high schools!! :)


Deb said...

I've loved to see my Zachy grow with his artwork too ~ he's an amazing artist with such a HUGE imagination! He's VERY creative....and I ain't tooting his horn just cause he's my favorite Zach either!

Grama Bonnie said...

WAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO, Patrick, you go, boy! Congratulations to you and your team and coaches. I am so proud of you, hurray! xoxo, Grama

PS - I would still be so proud of you even if you had lost :)

Grama Bonnie said...

ZACHY! I love your art work and I am tickled to see it on your Blog. I'm glad you love drawing - you are very good with art and I am so proud of you of you! Just think, you are in Kindergarten and your teacher chose YOUR picture to be displayed at the high school. WOW!
xoxo, Grama

Eileen said...

ZACH!!! This is so way cool!!!! You sure are a talented kid!!!!