Saturday, June 14, 2008

Patrick's 9th bday sleepover

Patrick wanted to have a sleepover birthday we made a sleepover cake!

He had 4 little buddies over...BIG mistake. However, I did come to the conclusion I don't like one of them...

Just a family pic with my baby :)

After the nightmarish sleepover, we had brunch at Patrick's favorite Chinese restaurant.

Christopher, P and Zach

D and da' boys...Lisa and Ms. Carol were there too but didn't wanna get in the pic!


Deb said...

Dern if he don't look like his daddy!

CMS said...

Yep...he does. I may have picked a dumb one, but at least he was a cute one! lol

Grama Bonnie said...

Love the cake and the wild party. Live and learn, eh?? Patrick is almost tall as you at 9!?!

Eileen said...

Great cake, and great memories you are building!!! ahhhh, I remember the days of sleep overs!!!