Saturday, March 15, 2008

Zach's first date!

Well, I knew this day would come...I just didn't think it would happen at 5 1/2 yrs old! Zach has a crush on one of my best friends...Ms. Lauren. So he calls her one day last week and says..."Hey Baby! Do you wanna go to the movies with me this weekend?" So of course, she says yes! Who could turn down such a romantic invitation??? He called her back to let her know he'd be picking her up. Meanwhile, he's telling me what he wants to wear...It started out like this: "black bow tie, white shirt and black jacket then black pants, dress socks and new shoes."

He picked her flowers out of the yard...

Zach was all smiles and walked to the front door and rang the doorbell...gave Ms. Lauren the flowers and a hug!

Walked her to the car and even closed her door!

So here we go into the movies...hand in hand with his ra-ra behind his back!!! HILARIOUS!!! Zach bought her candy from the dollar store (and hid it in mom's purse, heehee) and carried her drink for her til we all found a seat. Zach isn't very good at sitting still in movies, but this was his best one yet! He was getting a little restless at one point, so took turns putting his head on my shoulder and Laurens...Patrick was too busy eating popcorn and lemonheads to notice anything else going on. haha (We saw Horton HEARS a Who!)


Deb said...

Just so everyone is clear, I am still Zach's number one offense to Mrs. Lauren ~ she's a real doll!! :)

Eileen said...

What a cute "First Date" story, I love it! ;)