Saturday, March 29, 2008

Jamestown Ferry

We were so excited to catch up with Deb and her crew in Williamsburg! We took them on one of our favorite excursions...The Jamestown Ferry!

I think Christopher really liked feeding the seagulls!

LOOK! There's Christopher and Daddy on the balcony!


After lunch, we went to a state park (Chippokes) and had a little "burn off some energy time". ...Is someone looking a little tired and cranky??

goofball. I think Patrick's about 5 sizes too big!

...and goofball #2... much tire mulch can we put on here before sliding down??...

All in all, we had a pretty good week...but I like Deb's idea for next year! We're gonna find a sitter and WE are going on spring break!!!


Deb said...

Was a fun afternoon.....

CMS said...

i think the funnest we had tho was when we were both in a bad mood, making fun of our own kids! then you called me to see if i felt bad! hahahaha!!!!! wasn't that the best???? ...wonder if Kim will ever feel this way??? hahaha ily

Anonymous said...

What - Me in a bad mood? Never!
hee hee

CMS said...

hahaha :)

Deb said...


Deb said...

update pictures please!
We've had lost teeth, mother's day, mom's visit, baptism, baseball, etc etc etc since spring break!!! Get on IT!