Saturday, March 29, 2008

Botanical Gardens...

We tried to do a little something each day to break up such a l-o-n-g week...
Went to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens on Wednesday...

This one cracks me up! I wish we could get it a little straighter, would be a perfect Mother's Day gift!! hahahaha

(what we really looked like...)

...Zach and Patrick...


Deb said...

You forgot to mention we got yelled at for using the frame for a picture, they say it's just to look through, not stand behind. Shoulda put a sign up that said that.......

CMS said...

yeah, there shoulda been a sign. what the hell else would an empty frame be standing in the middle of nowhere for!?!?!?! i think THIS was the fun day we had being in a bad mood, making fun of our own angels. hahahaha