Thursday, November 22, 2007

Zach's Feast!

Zach had a little Thanksgiving Feast with all the kindergarten classes...Can't you see it in his eyes that 'performing' is in his blood?! He LOVES it!

Isn't this just the cutest lil' Indian ya ever did see!?

They sang about 3 songs...with dance moves!

Place settings/table decorations were made by each student!

my lil' suga-booga..

he's so proud!

We made this 'fruit turkey' to take to Zach's teacher from last year...

...and turkey cookies...



Deb said...

He's a right cute Indian ~ wish auntie would have known about this little play.....:(

Eileen said...

Zach is a very handsome-cutie pie Indian! and Chris, you are
SO CREATIVE! I LOVE the turkey cookies and the fruit turkey, they must've been the hit of the day!