Thursday, November 22, 2007

Patrick's field trip!

I got to hang out with Patrick on one of his field trips. We went to Maymont (think I've written about it before)

Dunno what it is about these hats. Maybe they're not made to fit correctly on your head...or maybe I'm just getting old! haha Oh well, at least he doesn't wear his pants to his knees!

just a little monkeyin' around!

what a huge 'cave' in this old tree!!

just climbing around with some classmates...while I wait for someone to fall and break something! haha


Deb said...

Are his school shirts pink??

Deb said...

Is one of these gals his girlfriend??

Eileen said...

very cool! and you are still allowed to be there for a field trip! gosh he looks like a little teenager!