Saturday, July 07, 2007

inside house....

Ok, I was so excited and nervous about looking at this house, I got Double D and the twins (haha) to come with me.

DD is standing in the dining room. The 2nd back door is to the left, the table will be to the right. There is a window at the table that looks out at the school. The kitchen (red wall in background) is behind her...its so small, there is no room for the fridge, so as you can see, it's in the dining room. :)

Connected to the dining room is the living room. ...Where the ONE window a/c unit is...that will be the FIRST family purchase we make!!! It's near impossible to live in Richmond without AIR!

There is a HUGE laundry room...

...and a second sink!!! So I could possibly bring my salon stuff back and work at home my one night a week!!! :)

This is a pretty big closet that is across from the pretty small bathroom...

You can potty and scrub the tub...

and wash your hands, all at the same time!! haha

looking in from the living room, this will be my room. There are 2 glass french (?) doors that separate the 2 rooms. I'll pull out the "Evie" gene and make some kinda curtain for some privacy. :)

This is in the same spot, but to the right of my room...thru this door is the front door (which is never used) and...

this huge closet! I swear I had flash backs to Grama's closet in Fla!! haha

This will be the boys room. The closet might hold one or 2 shirts...haha...but the room is actually bigger than what they have now! I'm thinking of dividing the decorating...Patrick will get baseball/skateboard, etc and Zach will of course get FLAGS! I'm thinking of hanging a clothes ling somehow and attaching the flags to that for display instead of all crumpled up! Lemmie know if you have any suggestions! I'm gonna hang one of their curtains maybe in the bathroom)on Patrick's hockey stick instead of a curtain rod, and we've got a couple small skateboards to turn into shelves...think of anything else?

ok, here's the interesting kitchen! It's as red as you can get!! I'm thinking about painting it a coral/flamingo color. Its pretty small...and we think that square thing in the corner is a hot water heater.

so thats it in a nut shell...kinda. haha Its a funny story how I found it. After I got the letter about the variance for the boys being denied, all I could do was cry. So I dropped them off at their dad's and drove for about 50 miles looking for houses for rent/sale that would be in the same school district. I knew there was an empty house next to school and I had always told myself if I ever saw anyone there I'd stop and get some information on it! Sure enough, that Sunday was "my day". The "dad" was mowing the grass and I did a double take and fast u-turn after I passed the house...I stopped to introduce myself (hoping he couldnt tell I had been crying my eyes out!) and explained a little bit of my situation. He told me it was his dad's house and he had passed away but they weren't sure what they were gonna do with it. I gave him my card and asked that he please call me when he decides. So last week, I got a call from HIS son (Nathan, who is my age) and told me they are going to rent it! And its even $200 CHEAPER than what I pay now! So I went to see it July 4th and told him I want it. There are a few things they need to repair, and we will have to make some sacrifices, but when I think about what we will have in return, it far outweighs what we will be missing!!! :) I should find out Mon or Tues for please keep us in your prayers and cross all your fingers and toes!!!! I'll keep ya posted!!!


Anonymous said...

hey thanks for the tour and the details of your new find! I will pray that it all falls neatly into place for you! I'll be waiting to hear the next chapter! xxoo eileen

CMS said...

haha...Thanks!!! Sometimes I wanna cry about it bc I'm so happy and sometimes I wanna cry about it bc I'm so nervous! ...It'll be better when I sign the lease!!! :) Will keep ya posted!!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Don't jinx yourself out of it.....AND...I can't believe you put that picture of me and the TWINS on there! HAAH!

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good, DD! :)

CMS said...

see! i didnt jinx myself out of it...:) will sign the lease tomorrow! ...not a bad pic of your twins...or babies either. hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

...oh, the TWINS...I get it now!!!! :0

Anonymous said...

So?!?!? Did you get the place?

Anonymous said...

YEAH, she got it! I think she moves Sept 1.....just in time for school to start. SHEWWWWW! :)

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! That's great!
I love all of the Gramma E ideas. :)

CMS said...

oh yeah, NOW I know why the last few replies didn't post! I didnt sign in! duuuhhh... so YEA! We got it! move in is 9/1 or the wkend before! I'm hitting all the 2nd hand-antique stores around for some cool vintage stuff! I'm so excited, already starting to pack!! :)