Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring Break! the spray sunscreen was a little chilly!! :) We went to Va Beach for the night over spring break...DD (pronounced "Double Dee") and Christopher and Special K ended up going with us at the last minute and we had such a good time!!! ...despite the near "drowing" in the "hot pool" and the after dinner show we almost saw in the photo booth! :) hahahaha


Anonymous said...

We could have left the DD part out and those photos to prove them ~ AHHHHH! You just keep putting those kinds of pictures on your blog ~ You'll see!

CMS said...

why whatever do you mean? "DD" could stand for many things! Not just the TWO things you THINK they may stand (or hang) for! ;) hahahaha

Anonymous said...

No comment. (hee hee!)