Sunday, February 11, 2007

Christmas photo shoot

So after I got off work today and since D watched the boys, I thought we'd do a little photo shoot for our Christmas cards. Yes, I said Christmas cards. No, not for this coming Christmas, for LAST Christmas. I seem to be staying consistant with being behind in some things, so why change now! It's worked for me for the past 30'ish years! haha ...Not gonna tell ya which one I chose tho. haha


Anonymous said...

You failed to mention all the fun we had getting Zach to take the picture at the end of our long day together!! :) "Take the @%$! picture and act happy!"

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, what a stitch!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! :) The pictures still turned out pretty cute tho!

CMS said...

well, yeah my little angel was in the beginnings of an early evening break down...haha