Saturday, February 24, 2007
And then there's Patrick :)
um....this would be almost 8 ..going on 80!
And this is your brain on too much PSP...acutally Ray gave Patrick his old football helmet and you'da thought Patrick had just won the lottery! He's so proud to be big enough to wear his daddy's old things like that! He even fits into Ray's old football jersey from middle school! ...which he's been known to wear for 2 days in a row! Patrick is AWESOME in baseball...he's on a travel team (we only "travel" 15 minutes away so far tho...) and we'll start regular little leaugue in about a month or so! It's hard to believe he'll be EIGHT in just a few weeks!! Although he's a BIG daddy's boy, he does like to snuggle in my bed because "moms sheets are so soft!" so I take advantage of it every chance I get! ...can't see him doing that when he's a teenager! ha! Patrick is also AWESOME in school. He's a self proclaimed "baseball boy, not a school boy" but he gets all A's and B's (from my side, of course! ha!) ...The only thing, according to his report card, we need to work on is his talking in class (must be his dad's side! ha!)...but if that's the biggest worry, I'll take it! My boys are just wonderful and as crazy as they make me sometimes, I wouldn't have it any other way!!
"Just Zach"
Well, what can I say about my little performer? Zach loves his flags...especially the American flag! ...he just happened to find some "bubba teeth" for this photo-op and just HAD to have his picture taken! He has his first "debut" in a Christmas pagent at daycare...that pic was just too dark to put on here. This dark one is from his 2nd performace at daycare. His class put on a little show while the teacher read "Green Eggs and Ham". It was Zachs (most important part, of course) to hold up his "green eggs and ham" when the teacher read that part. He was so proud and did so almost made me cry! I smiled so much my cheeks hurt! ...And as you can see, bathtime is always interesting... :) Mark my words, we'll have a famous actor in the family one day!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Christmas photo shoot
So after I got off work today and since D watched the boys, I thought we'd do a little photo shoot for our Christmas cards. Yes, I said Christmas cards. No, not for this coming Christmas, for LAST Christmas. I seem to be staying consistant with being behind in some things, so why change now! It's worked for me for the past 30'ish years! haha ...Not gonna tell ya which one I chose tho. haha
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