Well, we had a lovely Mother's Day! Started at Arlington by taking Grandma some flowers. It was a little chilly, but we thought things would be fine. So we walked to the metro and headed for the Zoo! Little did we know there had been a horrible accident in one of the tunnels, so we got re-routed and ended up on a bus for 1/2 of the trip. Not bad. Everyone got a seat and we were still fresh and excited. Met up with Anne, Julie and Tara once we got there. Had a great time seeing all the animals and even found a familiar name! ...How ironic on Mother's Day! (heehee) It started getting a little colder so we decided to head back. Deb bought a (child size) rain poncho and was ever so proud to wear it after paying $12!! (OMG!? haha) Made it back to the Metro and it started POURING! The tunnels were still tied up and we had gotten on the WRONG freakin' train THREE times I think. ...You GOTTA pay attention to those stupid color cirlces on the front of the train as it whizzes by at 100 mph! So once we found the right one, we STILL had to be re-routed to a bus. NOT A GOOD PART OF THE STORY! Picutre this...STILL pouring, waiting in line to catch the damn bus, but we're next. Here comes the bus!!! But it stops midline and other people start to get on in FRONT OF US!!! Ohhhhhh HELLLL NO! Deb's holding a very tired Christopher, Kevin's loaded down w/a stroller and cooler and diaper bag and I've got my two boys carrying what they can, trying not to get run over in the stampede of people! I don't know who made it on the bus first, me or Deb...all I know is we had each others back....hahaha Once we got on the bus, guess what?!?! NO SEATS!!!!! So we're standing in the isle and I told the boys to hold on to me tight...there was a scary looking man, Deb said was a child molester next to Patrick and Zach had my left butt cheek the whole trip, except for when he was falling into the little old ladies laps, going around the corner! It was getting stuffy and smelled like people and breath (GROSS) so since we were practically standing on top of the driver, Debbie (in her tired, pissed off, almost crying voice) asked him if he could perhaps crack a WINDOW or turn on some AIR bc she was about to THROW UP! We finally made it back to the metro, (STILL not working) and made it back to Arlington. Stopped for this picture at the visitor center (Kevin LOVES to take pictures, by the way...esp. in the POURING freaking rain!!) where Zach and Deb spotted a dead bird and neddle behind us! How nice. I forget the trip back to Richmond...I'm sure the boys passed out after they dried off and warmed up. But that was our Mother's Day. Actually, one of the best I can ever remember. Sure we got detoured on the way to and from, had to stand up for a few blocks and got soaking wet...but we (at least the 3 of us, haha) had a blast!!

Glad you finally got the ?@#$% blog figured out. Yeah, that was a great trip ~ good times even in the pouring rain, with rude people all around us and my $12 childrens rainslicker!!!
You need to change your settings to allow anonymous comments.....maybe Kimmy can walk you through that ~
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